Module 1

This evening’s Skype has guided me to a deeper understanding of the course to date and RPL/ Module one seem clearer to grasp. 

Without elaborating too much, my intention is to reflect and offer people the opportunity to comment, or simply to ask if they identify with anything.

The first task of my day, was to familiarise myself with blogging, something I’ve tried to learn independently over the last three days. Youtube guided me through the final stages and I’m hoping this link will be of assistance to anyone who may be new to blogging like me. 

In anticipation of the Skype this evening, RPL has been entering my thoughts all day. The challenge of developing my academic vocabulary in writing and speaking to this level (having leaped from a Cert Ed) is pretty daunting. However, I’m hoping my experience, creative experiental learning and emotional intelligence will prove to me that my decision to embark upon an MA is worthwhile.

In relation to this evening’s Skype, Adesola inspired me with her words ‘Sit down and brainstorm.. think about something you’ve fought to do’. She shared previous stages in her career and her preparations for auditions, along with thoughts relating to atmosphere in the studio/classroom and asked us to reflect on experience in working within different cultural settings and countries. 

Have we made a difference?? How do these experiences enhance our learning? How does formative assessment from our teaching and learning inform reflection, investigation and planning?


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